
Financing Wind 2015

October 22, 2015
Staying on the pulse of wind investment in 2015 and beyond.

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1:00 am
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Financing Wind 2015
October 22, 2015 1:00 AM
Staying on the pulse of wind investment in 2015 and beyond.


Financing Wind 2015

About this event

As the wind energy industry expands and moves into new sectors around the globe, we'll bring together leading investors, captains of industry and executives to discuss:

  • Europe Evolving: Evaluating the impact on investments as an outcome of changing policies and reduced subsidies
  • Outside Europe: A look at established markets, primarily focusing on North America and Asia
  • Going Global: investment opportunities and implications in emerging markets across the Globe

This one-day invitation-only event will quantify and assess the extent to which financiers, developers and manufacturers can capitalise on new and existing global investment opportunities, to help realise and benefit from genuine long-term financial growth.


Arrivals, registration & coffee


Open & welcome


Adam Barber, Director, The Tamarindo Group

Initiating investment: galvanizing growth


As wind becomes increasingly cost competitive, how can policy makers deliver regulatory and investment certainty for owners, operators and financiers?

Rob McNabb, Head of Construction, Eversheds LLP

Track A: Evolving Europe: Evaluating Investment Impacts


A series of quick-fire 10-minute presentations, preceded by an introduction from the moderator.

This session will look at the major policy changes in Europe and the impacts on wind businesses.


David Cunningham, Cleantech & Renewables Analyst, SgurrEnergy

The Policy Analyst:

What are the big policy changes for European onshore wind; and what impacts have these had, and will they have, on the ability to attract and retain future investment? How can developers and investors help address these challenges?

Ivan Pineda, Director of Public Affairs, EWEA

The Financial Advisor:

What are the primary challenges for European onshore wind financiers and investors; and where are the greatest opportunities for future market growth?  To what extent is future market growth driven by the development of new sites or through creating greater operational efficiencies with existing wind assets?

Mortimer Menzel, Partner, Augusta & Co

The Investor:

With investment growing in onshore and offshore wind, what impact does the competition for capital have on the wider European market? And how will this change future investment opportunities in established onshore operations?

David Jones, Managing Director, Renewable Energy, Allianz Capital Partners

Moderated Panel Session


Coffee Break


Track B: Blue-Chip Investors: the role of corporates in wind


A series of quick-fire 10-minute presentations, preceded by an introduction from the moderator.


Richard Heap, Editor, A Word About Wind

The Financier:

With onshore wind energy increasingly recognised as a maturing asset class, how are corporate investors looking to become involved? Corporate investors have very different risk appetites, ranging from long-term portfolio acquisition to one off project components. How can we encourage a greater, more uniform approach to wind energy investment?

Paul Battelle, Director, Infrastructure and Energy Finance, Deutsche Bank

The Corporate Investor:

How can corporate investment strategies allay a broader trend of decreasing European government support? How can and will these deals help ensure that projects remain financially viable in the future and how does European blue chip investment compare with activity in the US?

Marc Oman, Energy & Infrastructure, EMEA, Google

The Energy Producer:

How can wind developers and investors benefit from the involvement of corporates in wind? Does it encourage policymakers to take wind more seriously? And what impact do these investments have on future innovation within what has become such a capital-intensive market?

Kerry Scott, Project Manager, Marubeni Europower Limited

Moderated Panel Session


Networking Lunch


Track C: Going Global: investment opportunities & implications on the international stage


A series of quick-fire 10-minute presentations, preceded by an introduction from the moderator.


Bronwyn Sutton, Renewable Energy Consultant, SgurrEnergy

The Fund:

How can strategic overseas investment help drive and support future emerging market growth?  What attracts private equity funds to these previously perceived high risk markets and to what extent does the need for limited or low margin subsidy support increase future industry investment?

Steven Mandel, Vice President, Denham Capital Management LP

The Financial Advisor:

How and in what way can export credit agencies help ambitious manufacturers and developers in unlocking emerging markets?  And what key emerging markets warrant the greatest attention in the next 3-5 years?

Morten Sørensen, Senior Director, Head of Corporates, EKF

The Investor:

Away from Europe, what are the medium to long-term investment prospects for offshore wind?  How significant is the early-stage construction of key projects within the US?  And what role can we expect Asia and Latin America to play in the development of the sector in the future?

Gordon White, Director, Bank of Tokyo Mitsubishi

Moderated Panel Session


Closing Remarks and Networking Drinks


More from Tamarindo

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Financing Wind 2015

Staying on the pulse of wind investment in 2015 and beyond.

About this event

As the wind energy industry expands and moves into new sectors around the globe, we'll bring together leading investors, captains of industry and executives to discuss:

  • Europe Evolving: Evaluating the impact on investments as an outcome of changing policies and reduced subsidies
  • Outside Europe: A look at established markets, primarily focusing on North America and Asia
  • Going Global: investment opportunities and implications in emerging markets across the Globe

This one-day invitation-only event will quantify and assess the extent to which financiers, developers and manufacturers can capitalise on new and existing global investment opportunities, to help realise and benefit from genuine long-term financial growth.



Arrivals, registration & coffee


Open & welcome


Adam Barber, Director, The Tamarindo Group

Initiating investment: galvanizing growth


As wind becomes increasingly cost competitive, how can policy makers deliver regulatory and investment certainty for owners, operators and financiers?

Rob McNabb, Head of Construction, Eversheds LLP

Track A: Evolving Europe: Evaluating Investment Impacts


A series of quick-fire 10-minute presentations, preceded by an introduction from the moderator.

This session will look at the major policy changes in Europe and the impacts on wind businesses.


David Cunningham, Cleantech & Renewables Analyst, SgurrEnergy

The Policy Analyst:

What are the big policy changes for European onshore wind; and what impacts have these had, and will they have, on the ability to attract and retain future investment? How can developers and investors help address these challenges?

Ivan Pineda, Director of Public Affairs, EWEA

The Financial Advisor:

What are the primary challenges for European onshore wind financiers and investors; and where are the greatest opportunities for future market growth?  To what extent is future market growth driven by the development of new sites or through creating greater operational efficiencies with existing wind assets?

Mortimer Menzel, Partner, Augusta & Co

The Investor:

With investment growing in onshore and offshore wind, what impact does the competition for capital have on the wider European market? And how will this change future investment opportunities in established onshore operations?

David Jones, Managing Director, Renewable Energy, Allianz Capital Partners

Moderated Panel Session


Coffee Break


Track B: Blue-Chip Investors: the role of corporates in wind


A series of quick-fire 10-minute presentations, preceded by an introduction from the moderator.


Richard Heap, Editor, A Word About Wind

The Financier:

With onshore wind energy increasingly recognised as a maturing asset class, how are corporate investors looking to become involved? Corporate investors have very different risk appetites, ranging from long-term portfolio acquisition to one off project components. How can we encourage a greater, more uniform approach to wind energy investment?

Paul Battelle, Director, Infrastructure and Energy Finance, Deutsche Bank

The Corporate Investor:

How can corporate investment strategies allay a broader trend of decreasing European government support? How can and will these deals help ensure that projects remain financially viable in the future and how does European blue chip investment compare with activity in the US?

Marc Oman, Energy & Infrastructure, EMEA, Google

The Energy Producer:

How can wind developers and investors benefit from the involvement of corporates in wind? Does it encourage policymakers to take wind more seriously? And what impact do these investments have on future innovation within what has become such a capital-intensive market?

Kerry Scott, Project Manager, Marubeni Europower Limited

Moderated Panel Session


Networking Lunch


Track C: Going Global: investment opportunities & implications on the international stage


A series of quick-fire 10-minute presentations, preceded by an introduction from the moderator.


Bronwyn Sutton, Renewable Energy Consultant, SgurrEnergy

The Fund:

How can strategic overseas investment help drive and support future emerging market growth?  What attracts private equity funds to these previously perceived high risk markets and to what extent does the need for limited or low margin subsidy support increase future industry investment?

Steven Mandel, Vice President, Denham Capital Management LP

The Financial Advisor:

How and in what way can export credit agencies help ambitious manufacturers and developers in unlocking emerging markets?  And what key emerging markets warrant the greatest attention in the next 3-5 years?

Morten Sørensen, Senior Director, Head of Corporates, EKF

The Investor:

Away from Europe, what are the medium to long-term investment prospects for offshore wind?  How significant is the early-stage construction of key projects within the US?  And what role can we expect Asia and Latin America to play in the development of the sector in the future?

Gordon White, Director, Bank of Tokyo Mitsubishi

Moderated Panel Session


Closing Remarks and Networking Drinks


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