European PPA Trends
On 21st March, we published our European PPA Trends special report, in association with Augusta & Co., where we analyse key markets for corporate power purchase agreements in Europe.

About this report
In this report, we take the conversation on European PPAs beyond Scandinavia. Norway and Sweden are both important countries for corporate PPAs in Europe, and will continue to be. But, if corporate PPAs are to be a feature of wind project financings across Europe, then we need to look at the continent’s largest markets including Germany, Spain and the UK. These will be key if these PPAs are to reach their full potential.
We also highlight some of the challenges that corporate PPAs will bring for wind farm owners and investors, including price forecasting, regulatory hurdles, how best to deal with multinationals, and so on.
And finally, we set the PPA revolution in the context of other big market shifts. The onshore wind industry in Europe has just seen its slowest level of completions for ten years, in part due to competitive auctions and other changes in key markets. Growing the use of corporate PPAs and other innovative structures will help turn around this situation.
The report includes exclusive insights from Augusta & Co.'s Mortimer Menzel, James Knight and Justin FitzHugh.