Twelve months on from the introduction of the US Inflation Reduction Act, energy storage manufacturing is booming, but slow implementation of the law is delaying some projects
Twelve months on from the introduction of the US Inflation Reduction Act, energy storage manufacturing is booming, but slow implementation of the law is delaying some projects
The UK National Grid is preferring to dispatch higher carbon assets rather than energy storage in the balancing mechanism, a strategy that is putting billions of potential UK storage investment at risk
The energy storage industry is at a crucial phase of its development, only those companies that effectively plan how to extend the lifetime of their technology will survive
The use of utility scale battery storage for price arbitrage is increasing dramatically, but this could be leading to faster battery degradation, reduced revenues and greater fire risk
Institutional investors have begun backing storage in a big way, but increased investment is bringing more scrutiny for which many energy storage businesses will be unprepared
US interconnection waiting times are on the increase, with 680GW of storage queued, what can be done to increase the prospects of securing grid connections?
Wind curtailment has cost the UK more than £1 billion in the last three years, highlighting the critical need for more energy storage
The nation's economy has been devastated by blackouts, now energy storage is being viewed as the solution to most of South Africa's electricity problems
The Netherlands is targeting 9GW of battery storage by 2030, but deployment is being jeopardised by transmission tariffs and a lack of understanding of battery revenue streams
With investors inreasingly drawn to the 'two-way upside' offered by energy storage assets, Tamarindo provides a run-down of the European markets currently providing the best opportunities
The US will lose its position as the leading deployer of energy storage to Asia by the end of the decade, with China and India being the driving forces
China has dominated battery manufacturing, but ethical concerns about the country's lithium mines mean pressure is mounting on energy storage companies and electric vehicle manufacturers to source their batteries elsewhere