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Portugal and Spain are set to use floating wind to unlock their offshore wind potential. But floating wind pioneer Equinor's decision to delay a 1GW project in Norway could hint at troubles ahead.

A Word About Wind caught up with Lorenzo Palombi, global director of wind projects at BayWa r.e. Global, to talk about where offshore wind fits into the company’s plans; his views on floating wind; and pressures in key markets.

In an exclusive interview at our Financing Wind Europe virtual event, Stiesdal A/S’s Henrik Stiesdal and Vincent Fromont, president and general manager of floating offshore wind at Shell-Eolfi, shared insights on the emerging floating wind industry.

The year started with apocalyptic wildfires in Australia before taking us into a global pandemic, economic collapse and a disputed US presidential election. It’s time for a well-earned holiday.

Michael Kruger, senior associate in the global energy team at law firm Watson Farley & Williams, talks to us about the challenges and opportunities in the floating wind sector. WFW is a platinum sponsor of our Financing Wind Europe event in London.