Investments in renewable energy of around $57bn in California could be jeopardised if the US state’s largest utility slips into bankruptcy.
Onshore wind
Someone’s trashing your reputation online. Right now they’re calling you a lowlife, a parasite and a murderer. They say you love killing and maiming wildlife, and you care nothing for the human suffering you cause. Worse, they say you enjoy profiting from it.
MHI Vestas chief executive Philippe Kavafyan explained the offshore turbine maker’s approach to global growth at our Financing Wind Europe conference in London on 1st November.
I love the week before Christmas. Yes, it’s almost mid-January, so no doubt some of you are furiously grinding your teeth at any mention of ‘the C word’. All I can say is watch out for next month’s romance-related puns.
Javier Cavada joined Highview Power in September as CEO and president. We spoke to him about the company’s plans for the next few years.
Richard Heap spoke to Jakob Lau Holst, CEO at Global Wind Organisation, about why health and safety should matter to investors, and the global expansion of wind.
NTR group corporate finance director Anthony Doherty joined us as guest speaker at A Word About Wind’s last Quarterly Drinks networking evening of 2018 at The Shard in London on 29th November.
This week has seen positive news for UK offshore wind, reassuring those who have questioned whether the UK government appreciates wind’s economic potential. So how long will it be before the government acknowledges the potential for onshore wind too?
Wind firms commit to $180bn Hurricane Harvey rebuild
Wind Farm Owners: How To Cut The Impact Of Gearbox Failure