US offshore wind is beset by economic challenges, but this shouldn’t blind the sector to the potential for incorporating green hydrogen production into project plans
US offshore wind is beset by economic challenges, but this shouldn’t blind the sector to the potential for incorporating green hydrogen production into project plans
The cost of living crisis means more people are considering going off-grid, and a new study shows that energy storage could enable two million family homes in Europe to do just that
A recent Australian battery funding programme, which was ten-times oversubscribed, demonstrated the country's desperate need for energy storage to combat the nation's violently fluctuating electricity prices
Ahead of next year’s World Energy Congress in Rotterdam, Claudio Seebach, regional vice-chair, Latin America & Caribbean at the World Energy Council, explains how countries can learn valuable lessons from Chile when it comes to increasing energy storage deployment and accelerating the energy transition
A number of EPC contractors in the UK have ceased trading in recent months, with the result that energy storage deployment forecasts have been revised down
Pumped hydro storage has traditionally dominated in China, but the country is set for a surge in battery storage that could disrupt global supply chains
A database run by a US-based electricity sector research organisation reveals the countries with the worst records for utility scale, or industrial, energy storage-related fires
The ample solar resources in the US west mean opportunities for solar arbitrage abound, with the result that storage investors can expect excellent returns on investment
US interconnection waiting times are on the increase, with 680GW of storage queued, what can be done to increase the prospects of securing grid connections?
The nation's economy has been devastated by blackouts, now energy storage is being viewed as the solution to most of South Africa's electricity problems
The Middle East and North Africa has traditionally derived much of its wealth from oil and gas production, but times are changing with the introduction of ambitious renewable energy targets - however, they will be unachievable without policy changes promoting the wider adoption of energy storage
With lithium-ion batteries raising ESG-related concerns, investors are increasingly seeing value in long-duration storage