What challenges are unique to the US market?
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Energy Storage Symposium in partnership with Lockton Companies
How to add storage to your renewables portfolio
Energy storage is becoming a big business for wind and solar operators and investors. More companies are adding standalone and hybrid storage projects to their portfolios or looking to do so. How can they do this most effectively? And what are the biggest financial and technical risks in diversifying renewables portfolios with storage? In this session, we’ll be joined by a panel of experts to answer questions such as:
What portfolio diversification opportunities do storage assets offer?
Which are the most effective ways to add storage to asset portfolios?
What are the biggest risks you need to manage when financing these projects and how to mitigate them?
What needs to happen in order to facilitate greater investment support for energy storage projects in the next 12-24 months?
- Nate Hudson, Senior Vice President, Lockton Power, Lockton Companies [Moderator]
- Joan Fang, Principal, Ares Management LLC Infrastructure & Power
- Justin DeAngelis, Partner, Sustainable Infrastructure, Denham Capital
- Nicholas Magliocco, Head of Energy Storage & Hydrogen Procurement, ENEL
- Sara Graziano, Partner, SER Capital Partners