The World Bank has predicted that conflict in the Middle East could lead to a dramatic spike in oil prices, which is linked to increases in food prices - however it's argued that the forecasts do not take into account the ability of energy storage to meet demand
Stay up to date with the latest industry news, trends and analysis from the global wind, energy storage and power-to-X markets.
US offshore wind is beset by economic challenges, but this shouldn’t blind the sector to the potential for incorporating green hydrogen production into project plans
Attendees at 'Financing Wind Offshore' in Boston last week were quietly optimistic, even though the Biden administration's target of 30GW installed offshore wind by 2030 now looks out of reach. That positivity will be needed in the year ahead.
The cost of living crisis means more people are considering going off-grid, and a new study shows that energy storage could enable two million family homes in Europe to do just that
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US energy storage manufacturing has been boosted by the Inflation Reduction Act as the White House looks to close the gap on China
European countries are poised to use Contracts for Difference as the default way they award support for new renewables projects, but policymakers must also learn lessons from the UK experience.
Fortum has launched a €200m arbitration claim against Vestas over orders in Russia that Vestas said it couldn’t fulfil due to EU sanctions. But this very public dispute has broader lessons for companies.
Russian President Vladimir Putin has succeeded in blocking the EU's efforts to secure Ukraine's vast lithium reserves
The UK Government has followed the announcement of its first Net Zero Hydrogen Fund winning projects by publishing more details about its hydrogen strategy. But it is blue hydrogen projects, not green, that have dominated so far.
Co-location of renewables assets with storage was rarely considered in the era of subsidies, but it is about to become the norm as investors seek to maximise the value of assets
Finland was a bright spot for wind investment in Europe in 2022 and it is poised to accelerate in offshore wind with 6GW of tenders in 2023 and 2024.
A recent study challenges the belief that solid-state batteries lack durability - the technology is now seen as able to unlock the 'true potential' of stationary storage
France finally joined the offshore wind party in 2022 with the completion of its first utility-scale offshore wind farm, and the government is now looking for fast growth.
The United Nations has warned that the world is heading into a water crisis because of “vampiric overconsumption”. How can developers in the green hydrogen industry ensure that water access does not derail their projects?
Despite some scepticism, the rise of vehicle-to-grid technology as a major provider of storage capacity around the world will be inexorable
Four Republican congressmen have called for a halt to US offshore wind projects because of unsubstantiated claims blaming the industry for whale deaths. But this obvious misinformation can still be a threat for the growth of the industry.