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Brookfield Renewables has agreed to buy the $2.8bn renewables arm of US utility Duke Energy. We look at how this acquisition fits with its recent rush of M&A deals, and how its M&A strategy is evolving for 2023 and 2024.

The Danish government has been praised for an up-to-14GW offshore wind tender plan, but criticised for ending 12GW of 'open door' projects. Plus, it plans to take 20% stakes in future projects. What's going on?

Enel has put a 205MW project on hold in Colombia after long-running protests, and it is not the only company facing such unrest. We look at whether the government can improve consultation before it's too late.

Portugal and Spain are set to use floating wind to unlock their offshore wind potential. But floating wind pioneer Equinor's decision to delay a 1GW project in Norway could hint at troubles ahead.

Norway has delayed a controversial new tax on wind farms until 2024, but the government has reiterated that it wants communities to receive a "fair share" of the value created by renewable energy projects.

Republicans in Texas are pushing for wide-ranging legislative changes that could undermine the investment credentials of wind farms and end the US state's long wind boom. The impacts for the industry could be far-reaching.

European countries are poised to use Contracts for Difference as the default way they award support for new renewables projects, but policymakers must also learn lessons from the UK experience.

Fortum has launched a €200m arbitration claim against Vestas over orders in Russia that Vestas said it couldn’t fulfil due to EU sanctions. But this very public dispute has broader lessons for companies.

Finland was a bright spot for wind investment in Europe in 2022 and it is poised to accelerate in offshore wind with 6GW of tenders in 2023 and 2024.

France finally joined the offshore wind party in 2022 with the completion of its first utility-scale offshore wind farm, and the government is now looking for fast growth.