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Global Offshore Wind - in partnership with Orrick

Global Offshore Wind in Europe - in partnership with Orrick

Published by A Word About Wind in partnership with Orrick.
November 22, 2021

Over the course of three special interviews, we will take a trip around the globe to analyse the status of the offshore wind sector in three key regions; North America, Europe and Asia-Pacific.

In today’s interview, the discussion will be focused on the development of offshore wind in the European market.

Clement Weber, founder and director at Green Giraffe, talks about the energy islands in the European offshore wind industry in the second of our 2021 Global Offshore Wind series, in partnership with Orrick. He discusses:

  • Importance of energy islands
  • Collaboration between both European countries and, separately, the supply chain
  • Approach of financing market to Energy Islands

What's Next For Offshore Wind?

Orrick's 2021 Offshore Wind Energy Update and Outlook Report.

2020 was another record-breaking year for the global offshore wind sector, despite the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. Learn about growing trends and what's next in Orrick's 2021 Offshore Wind Energy Update and Outlook Report.

Ravinder Sandhu

Ravinder represents a wide range of clients in connection with large scale renewable (including onshore/offshore wind, solar and biomass)M&A, joint ventures, corporate restructurings, and regulatory matters, as well as in respect of infrastructure and conventional energy assets. Named to A Word About Wind's Top 100 Legal Power List and one of only seven lawyers nominated to AWAW’s inaugural Women’s Power List recognising the leading 100women in the wind sector globally, Ravinder also has specialised knowledge ofthe OFTO tender process run by Ofgem.


Clément Weber
Green Giraffe

Clément is a founder of Green Giraffe and heads the London office, which he founded in 2011 and returned to after heading the Paris office in 2017-2019.

He coordinates Green Giraffe’s efforts in floating offshore wind and has led multiple transactions in offshore and onshore wind, both on the equity and debt side. He led the Walney offshore wind debt financing (367MW, United Kingdom, 2012), the Rentel offshore wind senior and mezzanine debt raising (309 MW, Belgium, 2016), and the Alizé onshore wind portfolio sale (71MW, France, 2017). Most recently, Clément closed six development funding transactions in floating offshore wind in California (700 MW, 2018), Hawaii(500 MW, 2018), South Korea (>500 MW, 2019), the United Kingdom(380 MW, 2020), Italy (200 MW, 2020) and Ireland (1,000 MW, 2021).

He developed Green Giraffe’s offtake advisory expertise and supervised the sourcing of all its European renewable energy electricity for a large international corporation.

Before founding Green Giraffe, Clément worked at Dexia inParis in 2008-10 within the project finance team. Prior to that, he spent a year in Beijing at AFD in 2006-07.

He graduated from Ecole des Ponts ParisTech and holds an MScin project finance from Université Paris X.

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